Camera Inspections for Sewer Lines

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Camera Inspections for Sewer Lines

There are plenty of different types of sewer lines and systems. Septic tanks usually have a life expectancy of 25 years; however, the maintenance on that system depends a lot on how it was designed. Additionally, sump pumps, hydrojetting, and line location are all important aspects of maintaining good sewer lines. Perhaps one of the most important and overlooked aspects of sewer line maintenance is getting regular camera inspections done.

Camera inspections are important for several reasons. Routine sewer camera inspections consist of a general sweep of a sewer line or sewer system with a snake style camera. Here are some reasons why they are so important:

Perfect for locating a leak or water break in the line: Sometimes the signs of a water leak are obvious. Other times there are hidden clues that might not show right away. In the latter case, your sewer lines could be hosting a disaster just waiting to happen, and you will be caught completely unaware. Though plumbing and sewer systems are something we tend to ignore (until they break), it is important to have regular checkups and maintenance done to ensure a healthy flow. Sewer inspection cameras help determine if and where potential problems might break out. Getting an inspection done can help fix small problems before they turn into costly disasters. One of the telling signs that you should get an inspection done is a slight change in water pressure that you cannot account for. If there is a change in water pressure, that could indicate a burst pipe, a clogged pipe, or a number of other things.

Get Rid of Extra Guess Work and Save Time: Plumbing without camera inspections involves a lot of guess work. Digging a trench through your entire lawn to find a leak or obstruction is not in anybody’s definition of a fun Saturday. What you thought was a simple one-hour project could turn into a day- or week-long ordeal as you attempt to find the problem area in your piping. Sewer inspection cameras can help you be more efficient and save you money by helping quickly identify the problem pipe areas with much less effort. Additionally, there is less of a chance that you create more of a problem by digging around in the wrong areas and accidentally breaking something. When it comes to plumbing, it is best to work smart, not hard.

Monitor Pipe Condition: Like we mentioned before, plumbing is usually an out of sight out of mind type of thing. Until it stops working. Because you never see the inner workings of your system, it is unlikely you are aware of how it is holding up. Inspection via camera is a very non-intrusive way to look at your pipes and determine how well they are holding up. Looking for corrosion or other signs of cracks in the pipes or leaks dripping is a huge benefit of using cameras. This is especially true for looking to buy a new home; be prepared to look extensively at the homes piping and plumbing systems. This could save you thousands in the long run as you identify small issues before they blow out of control.

Use Cameras for Reference Videos: It is important to have a visual reference of what is happening when you are doing work on your plumbing. This is also important for insurance purposes. Having a camera will give irrefutable evidence of the condition of your pipes and sewer lines, and eliminate any guess work in what is happening.

It’s time to start taking plumbing seriously. Every year, millions of dollars are being flushed down the drain because homeowners aren’t aware of simple plumbing issues building up in their pipes. Whether you are looking to install your own camera inspection services or have us come in for a one-time inspection, both are a good start. Get us in today to help make sure your plumbing is up to date and performing properly.

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